Register now with this registration link!
We do not have an overall delegation fee, only individual delegate fees in order to be registered to compete at McKennaMUN. The registration deadlines and corresponding price-per-delegate are as follows:
Once Priority Registration closes, all delegations that have signed up will receive an invoice and a preference form for allocations. For those signing up during Regular Registration, you will receive the same information around a week after you register.
Apart from welcoming School Delegations, McKennaMUN XI welcomes individual delegates as well! When Registering, under "School Name" please write in "Individual Delegate". Please note that all independent delegates are required to have an adult (18+) present with them at the check-in table Saturday morning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary General. FINANCIAL ACCESSIBILITY
At McKenna MUN, we believe that financial situations should never be a barrier to attending our conference. We understand that attending McKenna MUN entails a substantial financial commitment for many schools. If you require financial assistance with the delegation fee, please reach out to [email protected] with your concerns and we will do our best to assist you. We will evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. |
McKenna MUN has a no-refund policy. If delegations are prevented from attending for emergency reasons, the Secretariat will issue refunds on a case-by-case basis. For general questions or information regarding cancellations, please email the McKennaMUN Secretary General at [email protected] If you wish to add spots to your delegation after you have registered, please follow the following steps:
If you wish to drop spots from your delegation, please inform the Director General by email at [email protected] If you need to make changes to your roster after the due date of your delegation's Allocation Matrix, please reach out to the Director General and inform them of the change. ATTENDANCE POLICY
We are committed to making sure every member in your delegation is able to participate. It is essential that all delegates complete their payment within the specified timeframe or establish alternative arrangements with our Director General, as participation cannot be allowed otherwise. Additionally, each delegation must have a representative aged 18 or above present at the check-in table on Saturday morning, with an adult/advisor available throughout the weekend and ready to come to CMC in case of emergencies. For any inquiries, please reach out to our Director General at [email protected]. FORMS AND WAIVERS
We will have a photographer at McKennaMUN XI! We publish these pictures on our website/socials and use them for future McKennaMUN materials. Additionally we have a Risk Waiver each parent or guardian must sign before their child participates in this conference. Please have a parent or guardian fill out the following forms. When checking in on Saturday, each student must present the signed printed forms to the Secretariat in order to compete or have them sent to [email protected] any time prior to April 26th. |